Foto: Charlotte Knee

Sam Copeland

Sam Copeland kommer från Manchester men bor nu i London tillsammans med två stinkande katter, tre stinkande barn och en ganska gott doftande fru. Han jobbar som kycklingviskare och reser världen över för att använda sin gåva att tämja vilda kycklingar. 

Charlie blir en kyckling är hans första bok. 

Här kan du se en hälsning från Sam och nedan en intervju med honom.

How did you get the idea for Charlie changes into a chicken
I steal all my ideas from children. Speaking, of which, if any children have any ideas for books, could they email them to me c/o the publisher?

What do you work with when you are not writing about children turning into animals? 
I work in publishing! Over many years I have helped lots of writers publish their books – and now it is my turn, which I am very happy about!

Have you used personal experience when writing the book? 
Oh yes, lots. Much of Charlie’s experiences are taken from my own childhood. But not the whole turning into animals thing. That didn’t happen to me. Apart from once. But that’s another story.  

Which book/books have affected you most in life? 
Certain books are burned into my memory from when I was young – The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe by C S Lewis and The Complete Sherlock Holmes by Arthur Conan Doyle had me gripped for many hours…